COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for pclfont [Prepare a PCL font for downloading via MLP].

List of available manpages

pclfont -- Command

Prepare a PCL font for downloading via MLP
pclfont [-f n] font [... font]

The command pclfont prepares each  font for downloading via the MLP spooler
to a  printer that  runs the  Hewlett-Packard Page Control  Language (PCL).
font  must give  the  full path  name  of a  PCL  bitmapped ``soft  font''.
pclfont brackets each  font with the PCL commands that  tell the printer to
load the  font into  a given ``slot''  in its memory,  and to let  the font
reside permanently in memory, then  writes the altered font to the standard

The  option -f names  the slot  into which  you want to  load font.  If the
command  line names  more  than font,  pclfont  sequentially assigns  slots
beginning with  slot n. If  you do not  use the option  -f, pclfont assigns
slots beginning with slot 1.

The processed  fonts can either  be piped to  the command lp  or redirected
into a  file for later downloading.   When downloaded via lp,  you must use
the  MLP device  hpfont. For  example, to  download fonts  tr240bpn.usp and
op240bpn.usp into slots 16 and 17 on your printer, use the command:

    pclfont -f 16 tr240bpn.usp op240bpn.usp | lp -dhpfont

See Also
