COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for newusr [Add new user to COHERENT system].

List of available manpages

newusr -- Command

Add new user to COHERENT system
/etc/newusr login "User Name" parentdir [ shell ]

newusr adds  a new user to  the system.  It automatically  adds an entry to
the file  /etc/passwd, creates a home directory for  the user, installs the
user in  the mail system, and otherwise performs  the myriad tasks required
to add a new user to your COHERENT system.

login is  the login idenifier  of the new  user.  This is a  single word in
lower case,  by which that  user is identified.   Note that each  user must
have a  unique login identifier.  Identifiers are  usually the user's first
name,  initials,  or  a nickname.   parentdir  is  the  directory or  (more
usually) the  file system in which  newusr will create the  new user's home
directory.  User  Name is  the name  of the human  for whom login  is being
created.  shell names the shell to be used; the default is the Bourne shell

For example, the command

    /etc/newusr batman "Bruce Wayne" /v /usr/bin/ksh

creates new user Bruce  Wayne, with login batman, home directory /v/batman,
and default shell /usr/bin/ksh.


/etc/group -- User groups
/etc/passwd -- User passwords
/parentdir/user -- User home directory
/usr/spool/mail/user -- User mailbox

See Also



newusr complains if an entry for user already exists in the password file.


Only the superuser can add new users to the system with newusr.