COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ncheck [Print file names corresponding to i-node].

List of available manpages

ncheck -- Command

Print file names corresponding to i-node
ncheck [ -i number ... ] [ -as ] filesystem ...

An i-number identifies an i-node.  ncheck generates a list of file names by
i-number for each filesystem, which should  be the name of a device special
file that  contains a  proper COHERENT file  system.  Using the  raw device
generally decreases the time ncheck requires to do its work.

The output is in the unsorted traversal order of the file system hierarchy.
ncheck distinguishes directories  from files by suffixing `/.' to directory

Under the -i  option, ncheck prints the file name  corresponding to each i-
number number in  the given list.  Under the -a  option, ncheck prints only
the names of  special files and set user-ID mode  files; this option allows
the system administrator to ascertain quickly whether these files represent
possible security breaches.

See Also



ncheck appends `??' to the generated file name if it cannot find the proper
parent structure while retrieving the file-name information.  It represents
any loops  detected in  the file name  by the characters  `...'.  Extremely
addled  file   systems  may  generate   other  reasonably  self-explanatory