COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mv [Rename files or directories].

List of available manpages

mv -- Command

Rename files or directories
mv [-f] oldfile [newfile]
mv [-f] file ... directory

mv renames files.  In the first  form above, it changes the name of oldfile
to newfile. If  newfile already exists, mv replaces it  with the file being
moved; if not, mv creates it.  If newfile is a directory, mv places oldfile
under that directory.

In the second form, mv moves  each file so that it resides under directory.
If a file with the new name exists but is unwritable, mv will not delete it
unless the -f option is specified.

mv  will  not  copy   directories  between  devices  and  will  not  remove
directories that occupy the destination of the command.

Normally, mv  creates a  link to the  old file with  the new file  and then
removes the old file.  If it  cannot create the link (e.g., because the new
file is  on a different file  system than the old), mv  performs a copy and
then removes the old file.

See Also



mv tests  the validity  of directory moves  by means of  search permission.
The superuser always has search permission and thus can use mv incorrectly.