COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mtab.h [Currently mounted file systems].

List of available manpages

mtab.h -- Header File

Currently mounted file systems
#include <mtab.h>

The file  /etc/mtab contains an entry  for each file system  mounted by the
command mount. This does not include the root file system, which is already
mounted when the system boots.

Both the commands mount and  umount use the following structure, defined in
mtab.h. It  contains the name  of each special file  mounted, the directory
upon  which it  is mounted,  and any  flags passed to  mount (such  as read

#define MNAMSIZ 32
struct  mtab {
    char    mt_name[MNAMSIZ];
    char    mt_special[MNAMSIZ];
    int mt_flag;



See Also

header files,