COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mount.all [Mount file systems at boot time].

List of available manpages

mount.all -- System Administration

Mount file systems at boot time

The file /etc/mount.all holds a set of mount commands to mount all COHERENT
file systems  on hard  disk.  It  is invoked by  the script  /etc/rc, which
COHERENT reads and executes at boot-time.

When you add a new COHERENT  partition to your system, you should insert an
appropriate  entry into  this file,  to  ensure that  the new  partition is
mounted whenever  you reboot your system.  You should  also insert an entry
into /etc/checklist, to ensure  that the utility fsck examines and corrects
the file system on this new partition before the system mounts it.

See Also

Administering COHERENT,