COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for moo [Greatly amusing numeric guessing game].

List of available manpages

moo -- Command

Greatly amusing numeric guessing game
/usr/games/moo [ numdigits ]

moo is a guessing game of numbers, typically four digits, all different.

The  game  randomly selects  a  number that  consists  of numdigits  unique
digits.  Obviously, numdigits cannot  exceed ten; the default is four.  moo
then prompts you  to guess the number it has  selected.  When you type your
guess, moo  responds with one  of two possible  answers.  If you  guess the
number correctly,  i.e., win, moo responds with ``Right!''.   If any of the
digits that  you guessed were correct  digits, but in the  wrong place, you
get a ``cow.'' If you guess a digit correctly and in the correct place, you
get a  ``bull.'' If the  number of ``bulls''  is the same as  the number of
digits  in the  guess, you  win.  moo  typically responds  with a  count of
``bulls'' and ``cows,'' as in:

    2 bulls, 1 cow.

See Also



moo is sometimes also called mastermind.

It will never replace DOOM.