COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mknod [Make a special file or named pipe].

List of available manpages

mknod -- Command

Make a special file or named pipe
/etc/mknod [ -f ] filename type major minor
/etc/mknod [ -f ] filename p

In the first form, mknod creates a special file, which provides access to a
device by the  filename specified.  Special files are conventionally stored
in the /dev directory.

type  can be  either `b'  (for block-special file)  or `c'  (for character-
special file).   Block-special files  tend to be  devices such as  disks or
magnetic tape,  upon which COHERENT  uses an elaborate  buffering strategy.
Character-special files are unstructured (character at a time) devices such
as terminals, line  printers, or communications devices.  Character-special
files may also be random-access devices; this circumvents system buffering,
allowing  transfers of  arbitrary size  directly between  the user  and the

The major  device number uniquely  identifies a device  driver to COHERENT.
The minor device number is a  parameter interpreted by the driver; it might
specify the channel of a multiplexor or the unit number of a drive.

The caller must be the superuser.

In the  second form, mknod  creates a named  pipe with the  given filename.
Named pipes can be used for communication between processes.

The -f  option to mknod forces  the creation of a new node,  even if one of
the same name already exists.



See Also
