COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mkhpath [Build a pathalias data base from a hosts table].

List of available manpages

mkhpath -- Command

Build a pathalias data base from a hosts table
/usr/lib/mail/mkhostpath [-d] [-c cost] [-g gateway] [-n netname] [ - | filename ]

The  script mkhpath  reads  a hosts  table  and constructs  routes to  that
network.  filename holds  the hosts table; if it is  `-', mkhpath reads the
standard  input.  If  the command  line does not  name a  filename, mkhpath
reads file /etc/hosts.

mkhpath  assumes its  input  to be  in  the format  of  the data-base  file
/etc/hosts. It  ignores the first field (Internet  address) and any domain-
based  name  (any field  containing  a  `.').  It  also  ignores the  hosts
localhost and loghost, and all comment lines (those that begin with a `#').

mkhpath recognizes the following command-line options:

-c cost
     Set the cost of accessing the gateway to be cost. cost can be any cost
     expression recognized  by the command pathalias.  mkhpath ignores this
     option if you do not also use option -n.

-d   Print a line  only if it contains a domain  host name.  This is useful
     for ignoring test lines.

-g gateway
     Make gateway the gateway to the hosts.

-n netname
     Form  a network  map instead  a  list of  path aliases,  and name  the
     network netname.  If you do not use this  option, mkhpath assumes that
     your  local host  is within  the network,  and therefore  inserts your
     local host  into the network list.   It also assumes that  the cost of
     routes within  the network is LOCAL,  unless you use option  -c to set
     the cost of the routes explicitly.

By  default, mkhpath  builds the  route table  in the  same format  as that
generated by  command pathalias with its option -i.  Flag -n overrides this

If you use neither option -g  nor -n, mkhpath constructs direct routes from
your local host to each remote host.

If you use option -g but do not use option -n, mkhpath prefixes every route
to  the network  (except  for the  route  to the  gateway)  with the  route

If you use the option -n,  mkhostpath builds a pathalias map to the network
this option names.   The format of the map depends  on whether you also use
option -g.

If you use both options -g  and -n, mkhpath establishes the route from your
local host to  gateway, and inserts the gateway into  the network list.  It
does not add  your local host to the network  list, even if it appears as a
site within  the hosts table.   It sets the  cost of the  link between your
local host and the gateway is  LOCAL; you can override this by using option
-c. It  fixes at LOCAL the  cost of routes inside the  network; this is not
affected by the option -c.

See Also

mail [overview],


Please note  that because  COHERENT does  not yet support  networking, this
command is never used.