COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mkfnames [Generate data base of user names].

List of available manpages

mkfnames -- Command

Generate data base of user names
/usr/bin/mkfnames [namefile  ...]

The script  mkfnames generates a  data base of users'  names and addresses.
It reads the contents of namefile, which contains each user's names and her
e-mail address;  invokes the command  nptx to generate  permutations of the
users' names;  then sorts the output  of nptx and writes  the sorted output
onto the  standard output.  If  no namefile is  named on the  command line,
mkfnames reads the file /etc/passwd,  and parses its contents into the form
required by command nptx.

mkfnames  is usually  used  to generate  the file  /usr/lib/mail/fullnames,
which the  mail system uses  to translate a  person's name into  her e-mail
address.  If more than one login account has the same part of a name (i.e.,
the same  last name), the  first login name  in alphabetical order  will be

See Also

mail [overview],