COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mkfifo() [Create a FIFO].

List of available manpages

mkfifo() -- System Call (libc)

Create a FIFO
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int mkfifo(path, mode)
const char *path; mode_t mode;

mkfifo() calls mknod() to create a FIFO.  path points to the full path name
of the  FIFO to create.  mode  gives the mode into which the  FIFO is to be
opened.  mkfifo()  ignores the bits in mode  other than the file-permission
bits.  The file permission bits of mode are modified by the process's file-
creation mask; for details, see the Lexicon entry for umask().

mkfifo() sets  the ownership of the file FIFO's  to the process's effective
user  identifier, and  sets the  FIFO's group  identifier to  the process's
effective group identifier.

If all goes well, mkfifo() returns zero.  If an error occurs, it returns -1
and sets errno to an appropriate value.

See Also

named pipe,
POSIX Standard, §5.4.2