COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for makeboot [Create a bootable floppy disk].

List of available manpages

makeboot -- Command

Create a bootable floppy disk

The script  makeboot automatically builds  a bootable floppy  disk.  To use
it, insert a scratch floppy disk into your system's drive 0 (drive A:), log
in as the superuser root, and then type makeboot.

makeboot automatically formats the floppy disk, builds a file system on it,
and copies  onto the disk  all files it  needs to boot  COHERENT.  To abort
makeboot at any time, press <ctrl-C>.

Because makeboot is a script you  can -- and should -- edit it to suit your
preferences.  For  example, by default makeboot copies  both the editors vi
and me onto the floppy disk; you may wish to save space by copying just one
or the other.

See Also

floppy disk


makeboot reads  file /bin/mount to discover whether  floppy-disk drive 0 is
3.5  inches  or 5.25  inches.   This  file was  initialized  when you  last
installed  or updated  COHERENT.  If  you have changed  your A  drive since
then, makeboot may think it is working with one size of floppy disk when in
fact it  is working with  another.  To correct this  error, abort makeboot,
then edit  /etc/mount so that it reflects  your system's true configuration
of disk drives.