COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for look [Find matching lines in a sorted file].

List of available manpages

look -- Command

Find matching lines in a sorted file
look [-df] string [file]

The command  look scans the  sorted file and  prints each line  that begins
with string.

The following options specify the order of the search:

-d Use dictionary  order: the only characters  tested are alphanumerics and

-f Convert all alphabetic characters to upper case.

If no file is specified, look uses /usr/dict/words with the -df option.


For an example of how to use this command, see the entry for spell.


/usr/dict/words -- File of words (sorted with sort -df).

See Also



Because the file /usr/dict/words is quite large, you may not have installed
it or uncompressed it when you  installed your COHERENT system.  If this is
the case, look will not work correctly.