COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for limits.h [Define numerical limits].

List of available manpages

limits.h -- Header File

Define numerical limits
#include <limits.h>

The  header file  <limits.h> defines  macros  that set  the numerical
limits for the translation environment.

The following table gives the  macros defined in limits.h. Each value given
is the macro's minimum maximum: a conforming implementation of C must  meet
these limits, and may exceed them.

     Number of bits in a char. This must be at least eight.

     Largest  value  representable  in  an  object  of type  char.  If  the
     implementation defines  a char to be  signed, then it is  equal to the
     value of the  macro SCHAR_MAX; otherwise, it is equal  to the value of
     the macro UCHAR_MAX.

     Smallest  value  representable  in an  object  of  type  char. If  the
     implementation defines  a char to be  signed, then it is  equal to the
     value of the macro SCHAR_MIN; otherwise, it is zero.

     Largest value  representable in an object  of type int; it  must be at
     least 32,767 (0x7FFF).

     Smallest value  representable in an  object of type int;  no less more

     Largest value representable in an object  of type long int; it must be
     at least 2,147,483,647 (0x7FFFFFFFL).

     Smallest value representable in an object of type long int; it must be
     at most -2,147,483,647.

     Largest number of bytes in any multibyte character, for any locale; it
     must be at least one.

     The maximum number of file descriptors  that a process can hold at any
     given time.

     Please note  that this constant  gives a ``snapshot'' of  the state of
     COHERENT  at  this  time.   Using  this  constant  in  a  program,  in
     particular to  size an array,  greatly decreases the  portability of a
     program, and  may cause  it to  behave incorrectly.  To  determine the
     number  of file  descriptors that the  operating system  permits right
     now, use the system call sysconf(). Caveat utilitor!

     Largest value representable in an  object of type signed char; it must
     be at least 127.

     Smallest value representable in an object of type signed char; it must
     be at most -127.

     Largest value representable in an object of type short int; it must be
     at least 32,767 ((short)0x7FFF).

     Smallest value  representable in an object of type  short int; it must
     be at most -32,767.

     Largest value  representable in  an object  of type unsigned  char; it
     must be at least 255.

     Largest value representable in an object of type unsigned int; it must
     be at least 65,535 ((unsigned int)0xFFFF).

     Largest value representable in an object of type unsigned long int; it
     must be at least 4,294,967,295 ((unsigned long)0xFFFFFFFFL).

     Largest value  representable in an object of  type unsigned short int;
     it must be at least 65,535 ((unsigned short)0xFFFF).

See Also

header files
ANSI Standard, §
POSIX Standard, §2.8


limits.h sets fixed  limits.  If a limit is not  completely fixed, then the
symbol is not  defined, and a process must use  sysconf() or pathconf(), as
appropriate, to find the limit's value for the current run of the process.