COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for libedit [Routines to gather and edit user input].

List of available manpages

libedit -- Library

Routines to gather and edit user input

libedit.a  is  a library  of  routines  that implement  a  simple tool  for
entering and editing lines of data.   The includes two routines that can be
called from a user-level program:

     Read a  line of input from  the standard input, and  let the user edit

     Add a line of edited input  into a history buffer, from which the user
     can retrieve it for further editing and use.

Each is described in its own Lexicon entry.

These routines implement  a simple, EMACS-like line-editing interface, much
like the one available under the Korn shell ksh.  To include these routines
in an application, just call them  as you would any other library function,
and link the library libedit.a into the executable.

See Also



libedit       was       written       by      Simmule       R.       Turner
<!capitol!sysgo!simmy>        and        Rich        Salz