COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for lc [List directory's contents in columnar format].

List of available manpages

lc -- Command

List directory's contents in columnar format
lc [ -1abcdfp ] [ directory ...]

lc lists the names of the files in each directory, or the current directory
if  no directory  is  named.  The  files  are categorized  by type  (files,
directories, and so on) and listed in columns within each category.

The following options modify the output.

-1 List only one file name per line (do not print in columns).  Please note
   that this is the numeral one, not a lower-case el.

-a List all file names, including `.' and `..'.

-b List block-special files only.

-c List character-special files only.

-d List directories only.

-f List regular files only.

-p List pipe files only.

See Also



lc -lf is useful for producing a list of regular files.  For example

    cp `lc -lf` mydir

copies all regular files to directory mydir.