COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for l3tol() [Convert file system block number to long integer].

List of available manpages

l3tol() -- General Function (libc)

Convert file system block number to long integer
l3tol(lp, l3p, n)
long *lp;
char *l3p;
unsigned n;

To  conserve space  inside  i-nodes in  COHERENT file  systems, the  system
stores block addresses in three bytes.  Programs that reference or maintain
file  systems use  the functions  l3tol() and  ltol3() routines  to convert
between the three-byte representation and long numbers.

l3tol() converts  n three-byte block addresses at location  l3p to an array
of long integers at location lp.

See Also
