COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for kill() [Kill a system process].

List of available manpages

kill() -- System Call (libc)

Kill a system process
#include <signal.h>
kill(pid, sig)
int pid, sig;

kill() is the  COHERENT system call that sends a  signal to a process.  pid
is  the  process  identifier  of  the  process to  be  signalled,  and  sig
identifies the signal to be sent,  as set in the header file signal.h. This
system call is most often used to kill processes, hence its name.

See the  Lexicon article for signal()  for a table of  the signals and what
each means.  If  sig is zero, kill() performs error  checking, but sends no
signal.  You can use this feature to check the validity of pid.


For an example of using this system call in a C program, see signal().

See Also

POSIX Standard, §3.3.2