COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for isascii() [Check if a character is an ASCII character].

List of available manpages

isascii() -- ctype Function (libc)

Check if a character is an ASCII character
#include <ctype.h>
int isascii(c) int c;

isascii() tests whether c is an ASCII character (0 <= c <= 0177).  It
returns a number other than zero if c is an ASCII character, and zero if it
is not.  Many ctype macros fail if passed a non-ASCII value other than EOF.


For an example of how to use this function, see the entry for ctype.h.

See Also



Please note that isascii() is not part of the ANSI standard.  Programs that
use it may not be portable to all implementations of C.