COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ipcrm [Remove an interprocess-communication memory item].

List of available manpages

ipcrm -- Command

Remove an interprocess-communication memory item
ipcrm [-mqs id] [-MQS key]

The   command  ipcrm   removes  a   memory   item  used   for  interprocess
communication:  either shared-memory segment,  message queue,  or semaphore
set.  You can use this command  either with an id, which is the identifying
number assigned  by the function that created the  memory item in question;
or  with a  key,  which is  the  identifier used  by  the application  that
requested the memory item.

ipcrm recognizes the following options:

m id Remove the shared-memory segment with an identifier of id.

q id Remove the message queue with an identifier of id.

s id Remove the semaphore set with an identifier of id.

M key
     Remove the shared-memory segment with a key of key.

Q key
     Remove the message queue with a key of key.

S key
     Remove the semaphore set with a key of key.

To  find the  identifiers  and keys  for  for the  IPC  resources that  are
currently allocated, use the command ipcs.

See Also



ipcrm does not remove  a shared-memory segment until all processes attached
to it are removed by calls to the function shmat().

Any user can run ipcrm; however,  a user can remove only those memory items
that he  ``owns'', as  noted in  the control structure  for the  item.  The
superuser root can, of course, remove all memory items, no questions asked.