COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for infocmp [De-compile a terminfo file].

List of available manpages

infocmp -- Command

De-compile a terminfo file
infocmp [file ... ]

infocmp reads a set of compiled terminal information, decodes its contents,
and writes  the decoded  information to the  standard output.  It  does its
best to recreate the terminfo source  from which the set of information had
been compiled.

file must hold  compiled terminfo information.  If no file  is named on the
command line, infocmp reads the standard input.

infocmp  first  seeks file  in  the directory  named  by the  environmental
variable TERMINFO. If this variable has  not been set, it seeks file in the
default directory /usr/lib/terminfo. Thus, you can type the command

    infocmp ansipc

in any directory and infocmp builds the appropriate path on its own.

In case  of emergency, the output  of infocmp can be  piped to the terminfo
compiler tic.

See Also



infocmp was  written by Pavel Curtis of Cornell  University.  It was ported
to COHERENT by Udo Munk, with additional changes by Mark Williams Company.