COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ideinfo [Display information of an IDE hard-disk drive].

List of available manpages

ideinfo -- Command

Display information of an IDE hard-disk drive
ideinfo [-c] /dev/at??

The  command ideinfo  displays  information about  device /dev/at??,  which
names a partition on an IDE hard disk.  For example, command

    ideinfo /dev/at0a

displays information  about the first  IDE drive on your  system (drive 0).
Among  other things,  this command  displays  the disk's  manufacturer, the
number of cylinders, header, sectors, and the number of bytes per sector on
the disk.

Option -c tells ideinfo also to display how the device is partitioned.

See Also

at [device driver],


This command fails if the device is not an IDE hard drive.