COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for idbld [Reconfigure the COHERENT kernel].

List of available manpages

idbld -- Command

Reconfigure the COHERENT kernel
/etc/conf/bin/idbld [ -o kernelname ]

The command  /etc/conf/bin/idbld lets  you reconfigure the  entire COHERENT
kernel.  It systematically  invokes all mkdev scripts in the subdirectories
of /etc/conf.  Each mkdev script,  in turn, walks  you through the  task of
formatting of  one COHERENT's device drivers.  This  duplicates much of the
work you performed when you first installed COHERENT onto your system.

After  all  of the  mkdev  scripts  have been  run,  idbld invokes  command
/etc/conf/bin/idmkcoh to  create a  new kernel.   Option -o tells  idbld to
name the  new kernel kernelname. If  you do not name  this option, idbld by
default names the new kernel /coherent.

See Also
