COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for hash [Add a command to the shell's hash table].

List of available manpages

hash -- Command

Add a command to the shell's hash table
hash [-r] [command ... ]

The command hash lets you  manipulate the Korn shell's hashing facility.  A
hashed command can be accessed instantly by the shell, without the delay of
searching the directories in the PATH environmental variable.

When called with an argument, hash prints all hashed commands.  When called
with one or more command arguments, it adds command to its hash table.  The
option -r removes command from the hash table.

Note that before you can use  hashing, you must use the set command to turn
it on.  For  more information on the Korn shell's  hashing feature, see the
Lexicon entry for ksh.

See Also
