COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for getutline() [Find a record in login logging file by device].

List of available manpages

getutline() -- General Function (libc)

Find a record in login logging file by device
#include <utmp.h>
struct utmp *getutline(line)
struct utmp *line;

Function getutline() seeks  a record for a login that  occurred for a given

line points  to an object of  type utmp, which is  a structure whose fields
describe a login event.  (For a detailed description of this structure, see
the  Lexicon  entry for  utmp.h.)  Before you  call  getutline(), you  must
initialize field line.ut_line to the name of the device that interests you.

If it finds a record that  matches your request, getutline() copies it into
a static  portion of  memory and  returns the address  of that  memory.  It
returns NULL if  it fails to find a record  for the device you named, or if
it cannot open the login file.

By default,  getutline() reads records from /etc/utmp. If  you wish to read
records from another file, call utmpname() before you call getutid().

See Also
