COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for getspent() [Get a shadow-password record].

List of available manpages

getspent() -- General Function (libc)

Get a shadow-password record
#include <shadow.h>
struct spwd *getspent()

The COHERENT  system has  four routines  that search the  file /etc/shadow,
which  contains  the password  of  every user  of  the system.   getspent()
returns a  record from this  file.  If a  program has already  read entries
from /etc/shadow, getspent()  returns the next entry; otherwise, it returns
the first entry.

If an  error occurs,  getspent() returns  NULL.  Otherwise, it  returns the
address of  an object with  the structure spwd  which is defined  in header
file <shadow.h>. For a description of this structure, see the Lexicon
entry for shadow.h.

See Also



All structures  and information  returned are  in static areas  internal to
getspent(). Therefore,  information from a previous  call is overwritten by
each subsequent call.