COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for getpwent() [Get password file information].

List of available manpages

getpwent() -- General Function (libc)

Get password file information
#include <pwd.h>
struct passwd *getpwent()

The COHERENT  system has  five routines  that search the  file /etc/passwd,
which contains  information about every  user of the  system.  The returned
structure passwd is defined in the  header file pwd.h. For a description of
this structure, see pwd.h.

getpwent() returns the next entry from /etc/passwd.


The  following  example  demonstrates getpwent(),  getpwnam(),  getpwuid(),
setpwent(), and endpwent().

#include    <pwd.h>
#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <unistd.h>

     int euid,           /* Effective user id */
         ruid;           /* Real user id */
     struct passwd *pstp;
     int i;

     /* Print out all users and home directories */
     i = 0;
     setpwent();         /* Rewind file /etc/passwd */
     while ((pstp = getpwent()) != NULL)
          printf("%d: user name is %s, home directory is %s.\n",
                  ++i, pstp->pw_name, pstp->pw_dir);

     /* Find real user name.
      * NOTE: functions getpwuid and getpwnam rewind /etc/passwd
      * by calling setpwent().
     ruid = getuid();
     if ((pstp = getpwuid(ruid)) == NULL) {
          /* If this message appears, something's wrong */
          fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find user with id number %d\n", pstp);
          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
     } else
          printf("User's real name is %s\n", pstp->pw_name);

     /* Find the user id for superuser root */
     ((pstp = getpwnam("root")) == NULL) ?
          fprintf(stderr, "Do you have user root on your system?\n") :
          printf("root id is  %d\n", pstp->pw_uid);

     /* Check if the effective process id is the superuser id.
      * NOTE: if you wish to see how to enable the root
      * privileges, you can run this command:
      * cc pwfun.c
      * su root chown root pwfun
      * su root chmod 4511 pwfun

     euid = geteuid();   /* Get effective user id. */
     printf("Process ");
     (euid == pstp->pw_uid) ? printf("has ") : printf("doesn't have ");
     printf("the root privileges\n");



See Also



getpwent() returns NULL for any error or on end of file.


All structures  and information  returned are  in static areas  internal to
getpwent(). Therefore,  information from a previous  call is overwritten by
each subsequent call.

If your  system has implemented shadow passwords, you  must use the shadow-
password  routine getspent()  to retrieve  records that  contain passwords.
For details, see this function's entry in the Lexicon.