COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for gdbm_reorganize() [Reorganize a GDBM data base].

List of available manpages

gdbm_reorganize() -- GDBM Function (libgdbm)

Reorganize a GDBM data base
#include <gdbm.h>
int gdbm_reorganize(database)
GDBM_FILE database;

Function  gdbm_reorganize() reorganizes  the contents of  the data  base to
which  database points.   database must  have  been returned  by a  call to

When you  delete a record from  a GDBM data base, the  GDBM routines to not
close up  the space within the  data base, because doing  so would make the
GDBM routines  unacceptably slow.   Thus, if  you delete many  records from
within a data base, its file  will be much larger than it need be.  In this
case, you should call gdbm_reorganize() to close up the ``holes'' in it.

gdbm_reorganize() returns zero if  all went well.  If something went wrong,
it returns a value other than  zero and sets the global variables errno and
gdbm_errno to appropriate values.  (For information on how to interpret the
contents  of  these variables,  see  the Lexicon  entries  for errno.h  and

See Also


For  a statement  of copyright  and  permissions on  this routine,  see the
Lexicon entry for libgdbm.