COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for findmouse [Examine a port to see if a mouse is plugged into it].

List of available manpages

findmouse -- Command

Examine a port to see if a mouse is plugged into it
/usr/local/bin/findmouse port

The command  findmouse opens  port so  you can examine  whether a  mouse is
plugged into it.

port must be  the full path name of the  local, polled, serial-port device.
For example,  to check whether a  mouse is plugged into  serial port 1, use
the command:

    /usr/local/bin/findmouse /dev/com1pl

When you invoke findmouse, it opens  port, then asks you to ``wiggle'' your
mouse.  As  you move the mouse  around your desk, findmouse  polls the port
and display on the screen any  data read from it.  You should see the mouse
data on your screen in the form of two-digit hexadecimal numbers.

To exit from findmouse, press any key.

findmouse prints  an error  message an  exits should use  incorrect command
syntax, or if it cannot open a requested port.

See Also
