COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for fcvt() [Convert floating-point numbers to strings].

List of available manpages

fcvt() -- General Function (libc)

Convert floating-point numbers to strings
char *
fcvt(d, w, *dp, *signp)
double d; int w, *dp, *signp;

fcvt()  converts floating  point numbers to  ASCII strings.   Its operation
resembles that of printf()'s operator %f.

fcvt()  converts d  into a  NUL-terminated string  of decimal  digits.  The
argument w sets the precision of the string, i.e., the number of characters
to the right of the decimal point.

fcvt()  rounds the  last digit  and returns  a pointer  to the  result.  On
return, fcvt() sets  dp to point to an integer  that indicates the location
of the decimal point relative to  the beginning of the string: to the right
if positive, and to the left  if negative.  Finally, it sets signp to point
to an integer  that indicates the sign of d:  zero if positive, and nonzero
if negative.  fcvt() rounds the result to the FORTRAN F-format.


For an example of this function, see the entry for ecvt().

See Also



fcvt() performs conversions within static string buffers that it overwrites
on each execution.