COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for execle() [Execute a load module].

List of available manpages

execle() -- General Function (libc) (libc)

Execute a load module
#include <unistd.h>
execle(file, arg0, arg1, ..., argn, NULL, env)
char *file, *arg0, *arg1, ..., *argn, char *env[];

The function execle() calls the  COHERENT system call execve() to execute a
program.  It  first initializes the new  stack of the process  to contain a
list  of  strings  that  are  command  arguments.  It  specifies  arguments
individually, as  a NULL-terminated list  of arg parameters.   The argument
envp  points  to  an  array  of  pointers to  strings  that  define  file's
environment.  For  more information on program  execution and environments,
see execution.

See Also

POSIX Standard, §3.1.2


execle() does not return if successful.   It returns -1 for errors, such as
file being  nonexistent, not accessible  with execute permission,  having a
bad format, or being too large to fit into memory.