COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for enable [Enable a port].

List of available manpages

enable -- Command

Enable a port
/etc/enable port...

The COHERENT  system is a multiuser operating system;  it allows many users
to  use  the system  simultaneously.   An  asynchronous communication  port
connects  each user  to  the system,  normally  by a  terminal  or a  modem
attached to the port.  The system  communicates with the port by means of a
character special file in directory /dev, such as /dev/com3r or /dev/com2l.

The COHERENT  system will not  allow a user to  log in on a  port until the
system creates a login process for  the port.  The enable command tells the
system to  create a  login process  for each given  port. For  example, the

    /etc/enable com1r

enables port /dev/com1r.

enable   changes  the   entry  for   each  given   port  in   the  terminal
characteristics file  /etc/ttys. The baud rate  specified in /etc/ttys must
be the  appropriate baud rate  for the terminal  or modem connected  to the
port.  See the Lexicon entry for ttys for more information.

The command disable disables a  port.  The command ttystat checks whether a
port is enabled or disabled.


/etc/ttys -- Terminal characteristics file
/dev/com* -- Devices serial ports

See Also



enable normally returns one if it enables the port successfully and zero if
not.  If  more than one  port is specified,  enable returns the  success or
failure status of the last port  it finds.  It returns -1 if it cannot find
any given port. An exit status of -2 indicates an error.


It is  not recommended that  you attempt to  enable a port  that is already
enabled.  To make sure, run /etc/disable before running /etc/enable.