COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for dumpdir [Print the directory of a dump].

List of available manpages

dumpdir -- Command

Print the directory of a dump
dumpdir [af [argument ...] ]

dumpdir  reads through  a  file-system dump  created by  the dump  command,
gathers up  its directory blocks,  and displays the names  and i-numbers of
all files on the dump.

The a  option causes dumpdir to  display the directory entries  for `.' and
`..', which are normally suppressed.

The f  option causes the next  argument to be taken as  the pathname of the
dump device, which is otherwise assumed to be /dev/dump.

If no  options are  specified, dumpdir reads  from the default  dump device
/dev/dump and suppresses the printing of `.' and `..' entries.


/dev/dump -- Default dump device
/tmp/ddXXXXXX -- To hold directory blocks

See Also



The dump/restore  format puts a  header at the  beginning of the  dump that
includes all  the information about what lives where  in the dump.  dumpdir
reads this header to discover what files are in the dump.  If the header is
too large to fit onto one  disk, dumpdir will then prompt you to insert the
additional disk  or disks; if  this happens, insert the  requested disk and
then type <return>.


dump requires  that its  output be  written to disks  that are free  of bad
sectors.  If you  write a dump to a disk  with bad sectors, you will not be
able to  restore files  from that  disk.  For details  on using  disks with
dump, see its Lexicon entry.