COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for dosformat [Build an MS-DOS file system].

List of available manpages

dosformat -- Command

Build an MS-DOS file system
dosformat [-v] device:

dosformat builds  an MS-DOS file  system on a  floppy disk.  The  disk must
first have  been formatted with  the command fdformat -v.  device names the
floppy-disk drive that  holds the disk to receive the  file system, such as
/dev/fha0. See the  Lexicon entry floppy disks for a  table of the COHERENT
floppy-disk devices.  You can also build  a file of aliases so that you can
access the  drives as A,  B, etc.  For  details, see the  Lexicon entry for
doscp,  which  explains how  to  set  up defaults  for  the  dos family  of
commands.  Note that  the device name must always be  suffixed with a colon
`:', just like an MS-DOS device name.

The option -v, tells dosformat to provide additional information about each
action it performs.


The following example  formats a disk.  It assumes that  you have defined a
as a default for a device upon which is set an MS-DOS file system:

    dosformat a:


/etc/default/msdos -- Setup file

See Also



To create  a double-sided, double-density formatted floppy  disk in drive 0
(drive A),  use /dev/fqa0  for 3.5-inch  disks, or /dev/f9a0  for 5.25-inch