COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for dosdel [Delete a file from an MS-DOS file system].

List of available manpages

dosdel -- Command

Delete a file from an MS-DOS file system
dosdel [-fv] device:/dir/file

dosdel deletes  file that  lives on  MS-DOS file-system device.  The MS-DOS
file system can reside either on a floppy disk, or on the MS-DOS segment of
a hard disk on your system.  The MS-DOS file system must be named using the
device  that holds  it, such  as floppy-disk  drive /dev/fha0  or hard-disk
partition /dev/at0a. You  can also build a file of  aliases so that you can
access the  drives as a,  b, etc.  For  details, see the  Lexicon entry for
doscp,  which  explains how  to  set  up defaults  for  the  dos family  of

dosdel takes the following options:

f  Force removal of readonly files.

v  Verbose output: provide additional information about each action.


The following command deletes myfile. It assumes that you have defined c to
be a default for a device upon which you have set an MS-DOS file system:

    dosdel c:/mydir/myfile


/etc/default/msdos -- Setup file

See Also



dosdel  does  not  understand compressed  MS-DOS  file  systems created  by
programs such as Stacker or MS-DOS  6.0 dblspace. If you are running MS-DOS
with file  compression, you must copy files to  an uncompressed file system
(for example,  to an uncompressed  floppy disk or to  the uncompressed host
for a compressed file system) to make them accessible to the dosdel.