COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for doscpdir [Copy a directory to/from an MS-DOS file system].

List of available manpages

doscpdir -- Command

Copy a directory to/from an MS-DOS file system
doscpdir [-akmv] src dest

doscpdir copies a directory and  its contents between an MS-DOS file system
and a COHERENT file system.  The  MS-DOS file system can reside either on a
floppy disk, or on the MS-DOS segment of a hard disk on your system.

src names the directory being copied  and the file system where it resides;
dest names  the file system  and directory into  which the file  is copied.
The operating system  that owns the src file is  implied by the name of the
file system on which it resides.  An MS-DOS file system must be named using
the device that holds it,  such as floppy-disk drive /dev/fha0 or hard-disk
partition /dev/at0a. You  can also build a file of  aliases so that you can
access the  drives as a,  b, etc.  For  details, see the  Lexicon entry for
doscp,  which  explains how  to  set  up defaults  for  the  dos family  of

doscpdir converts a file's  name from one operating system's conventions to
the other's.   An MS-DOS file argument  may be specified in  lower or upper
case, using  `/' as the path-name separator.   When transferring files from
MS-DOS to  COHERENT, doscpdir  converts an MS-DOS  file name to  a COHERENT
file  name  in lower  case  only.   If the  MS-DOS  file  name contains  no
extension, the COHERENT file name contains no `.'.  When transferring files
from COHERENT  to MS-DOS, doscpdir converts all  alphabetic characters in a
COHERENT file name to upper case;  if a period `.' appears at the beginning
or end of a file name, doscpdir converts it to `_'.  doscpdir truncates the
part of the file name before  the last `.' to a maximum of eight characters
and truncates the extension to a maximum of three characters.

doscpdir recognizes the following options:

a    Perform ASCII newline  conversion on file transfer.  When moving files
     from COHERENT  to MS-DOS, this  option converts each  COHERENT newline
     character `\n' (ASCII LF) to  an MS-DOS end-of-line (ASCII CR and LF).
     When moving  files from MS-DOS to COHERENT, it  does the opposite.  By
     default,  doscpdir performs  ASCII conversion  on  files that  have an
     ASCII extention.

k    Keep: give  the copied file the  same time stamp as  its original.  By
     default, doscpdir gives copied files the current time.

m    Same as a, described above

v    Verbose.  Provide additional information about each action performed.


The  following  command copies  COHERENT  directory  /usr/src to  directory
/mydir on  the MS-DOS  file system.  It  assumes that you  have set c  as a
default for a hard-disk device:

    doscpdir -va /usr/src c:/mydir


/etc/default/msdos -- Setup file

See Also



doscpdir does not  check for unusual characters in a  COHERENT file name or
for file names that differ from other file names only in case.

doscpdir  does not  understand compressed  MS-DOS  file systems  created by
programs such as Stacker or MS-DOS  6.0 dblspace. If you are running MS-DOS
with file  compression, you must copy files to  an uncompressed file system
(for example,  to an uncompressed  floppy disk or to  the uncompressed host
for a compressed file system) to make them accessible to the doscpdir.