COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for dialups [Name every device that may need an additional password].

List of available manpages

dialups -- System Administration

Name every device that may need an additional password

The COHERENT  system lets  you force  classes of users  who log  in through
particular devices to enter an extra password.  This helps you protect your
system against people who may be try to penetrate it via modem.

The file  /etc/dialups names  every device  that may require  an additional
password.  Each device must be named on its own line; for example:


When a device is named in /etc/dialups, login looks in file d_passwd to see
if a password  has been linked to user's default  shell.  This permits you,
for example, to ask for an  extra password for all users who attempt to log
in remotely and who have  an interactive shell, while letting UUCP accounts
enter without the extra password.   For examples, see the Lexicon entry for

See Also

Administering COHERENT,