COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for df [Measure free space on disk].

List of available manpages

df -- Command

Measure free space on disk
df [-fiv] [-tfilesys] (default format)

df measures the  amount of space left free on  the file system filesys. The
file system being  measured can reside on a hard  disk, floppy disk, or RAM
disk.  For  example, to check  the amount of  space left on  file system x,

    df /x

If you  do not name  a filesys, df  prints information only  about the file
system that you in.

By default, df  prints three statistics: the number of  disk blocks free on
this device, the total number of disk blocks in the device, and the percent
of total  disk blocks that  is free.  Note  that a disk block  is 512 bytes
(1/2 kilobyte).

df recognizes the following command-line options:

-f Suppress i-node information.

-i Give the percentage of i-nodes available used.

-v Give the percentage of blocks used.

See Also
