COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for dbminit() [Open a DBM data base].

List of available manpages

dbminit() -- DBM Function (libgdbm)

Open a DBM data base
#include <dbm.h>
int dbminit(database)
char *database;

Function dbminit() opens and  initializes a DBM data base.  database points
to the name of the data base to open.

Please note  that unlike the GDBM function gdbm_open()  or the DBM function
dbm_open(), dbminit() does not create a data base -- it merely opens it for
manipulation.  If the  data base does not exist, you  must first create it.
To do so, create the empty files database.pag and database.dir.

If  all goes  well, dbminit()  returns zero.  If  something goes  wrong, it
returns a negative value.

See Also


For  a statement  of copyright  and  permissions on  this routine,  see the
Lexicon entry for libgdbm.