COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for dbm_pagfno() [Return the file descriptor for an NDBM .pag file].

List of available manpages

dbm_pagfno() -- NDBM Function (libgdbm)

Return the file descriptor for an NDBM .pag file
#include <ndbm.h>
int dbm_pagfno (database)
DBM *database;

A NDBM data  base consists of two files.  One,  with the suffix .dir, holds
the index  for the data  base; the other,  with the suffix  .pag, holds the
data themselves.

Function  dbm_pagfno()  returns  the  file  descriptor  for the  .pag  file
associated with the data base to which database points.  database must have
been returned by a call to dbm_open().

See Also


For  a statement  of copyright  and  permissions on  this routine,  see the
Lexicon entry for libgdbm.