COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for cvmail [Convert mail from COHERENT 3.X format to SV format].

List of available manpages

cvmail -- Command

Convert mail from COHERENT 3.X format to SV format
cvmail [-m filename] [filename]

The  command  cvmail converts  to  System V  format  existing COHERENT  3.X
mailboxes and  files used  to store messages  saved by COHERENT's  3.X mail

To   convert   a   default   mailbox   (i.e.,   a  mailbox   in   directory
/usr/spool/mail), invoke cvmail with its -m option, followed by the name of
the user  whose mailbox is  to be converted.   For example, to  convert the
mailbox belonging to user bob, type:

    cvmail -m bob

If you have saved mail messages into a file, invoke cvmail with the name of
the file to convert.  For example, if you have stored mail messages in file, you can convert this file by typing:


See Also



If you invoke cvmail without any  arguments, it prompts you for the name of
a file  to convert.  The file  is not assumed to be  a mailbox in directory