COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for clock [Read the system clock].

List of available manpages

clock -- Device Driver

Read the system clock

The file  /dev/clock lets you  read and set  your system's clock.   It is a
part of the  driver mem, which manages memory; thus,  it has major number 0
and minor number 5.

The  real  time  clock occupies  the  first  14  bytes  of nonvolatile  RAM
(/dev/cmos).  The  difference between /dev/cmos and  /dev/clock is that the
latter device locks  the circuit during a read, so  that the clock will not
be updated as it is being read.

/dev/clock limits access to a 14-byte data area.  Attempts to read or write
beyond this limit will fail.   /dev/clock stores the system time in binary-
coded decimal (BCD).  For details on BCD, see the Lexicon entry for float.

The COHERENT command ATclock reads this device and writes to it.

See Also

device drivers,