COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for chmog [Change mode, owner, and group simultaneously].

List of available manpages

chmog -- Command

Change mode, owner, and group simultaneously
chmog mod own grp file ...

chmog combines  the functionality of  the commands chmod,  chown, and chgrp
into  one  command.  This  lets  you fine-tune  the  permissions on   files
without having to type three separate commands.

The arguments  mode, own, and grp give, respectively,  the mode, owner, and
group to  which chmog sets file.  Setting any of these  three arguments `-'
means that that feature of file is not changed.  For example, the command

    chmog - bin bin file_name

changes the  owner and group  of file file_name  to bin and  does not alter
file_name's permissions.

For details on how to set  mode, own, and grp, see the Lexicon entries for,
respectively, chmod, chown, and chgrp.

See Also
