COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for cfsetospeed() [Set terminal output speed].

List of available manpages

cfsetospeed() -- termios Macro (termios.h)

Set terminal output speed
#include <termios.h>
int cfsetospeed(tty, speed)
termios *tty;
int speed;

Macro cfsetospeed() sets the output speed of the terminal device.

tty gives  the address of  a structure of  type termios. It  must have been
initialized by  a call to the termios routine  tcgetattr(). speed gives the
speed to  which the terminal device  should be set.  It must  be one of the
following constants:

     B50       50 baud
     B75       75 baud
     B110      110 baud
     B134      134.5 baud
     B150      150 baud
     B200      200 baud
     B300      300 baud
     B600      600 baud
     B1200     1200 baud
     B1800     1800 baud
     B2400     2400 baud
     B4800     4800 baud
     B9600     9600 baud
     B19200    19200 baud
     B38400    38400 baud

You  must call  routine tcsetattr()  for  tty before  this change  can take

See Also

POSIX Standard, §7.1.3