COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for cancel [Cancel a print job].

List of available manpages

cancel -- Command

Cancel a print job
cancel [job [ ... job]] [-all]

The command cancel cancels execution  of a printing job.  It recognizes the
following options:

-all    Cancel all requests that are currently executing.

job     Cancel each job. Each job is identified by the number printed by lp
        when the job was first spooled.

When a job is cancelled, it remains in the print queue for the remainder of
its ``lifetime'', and may be printed  later.  When it cancels a job, cancel
sends mail to the owner of the job to notify him of the job's cancellation.

cancel does  not affect jobs  that have already been  downloaded into their
destination printers.   The only way to  stop a job from  printing after it
has  been   downloaded  is  to   clear  the  printer's   memory.   See  the
documentation that  came with  your printer for  instructions on how  to do

See Also



cancel is a link to lpstat.

cancel  is  available  only  under  COHERENT  release  4.2  and  subsequent