COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for calendar [Reminder service].

List of available manpages

calendar -- Command

Reminder service
calendar [ -a ] [ -ffile ]... [ -d[date] ] [ -w[date] ] [ -m[month] ]

calendar  is  the  COHERENT  system's  ``reminder  service''.  It  reads  a
calendar file,  which should contain  information organized by  date; if an
event is  scheduled to happen today or tomorrow,  calendar prints the entry
on the standard  output.  Thus, you can use calendar  to remind you of both
one-time  events  (such   as  appointments)  and  yearly  events  (such  as

calendar recognizes the following command-line options:

-a         Search the calendars of all  users and send mail.  Default is to
           search only your calendar.

-ffile     Search   each    ``file''   in   order    given.    Default   is

-d[date]   Print all entries for ``date''.  Default date is today.

-w[date]   Print all entries for the week beginning with ``date''.

-m[month]  Print entries for the given ``month''.

By  default,   calendar  print  entries   for  today  and   tomorrow,  with
``tomorrow'' encompassing the following Monday should ``today'' be a Friday
or Saturday.  If an entry in  your .calendar has an at-sign `@' embedded in
it, calendar  prints it regardless of  when it is to  occur, until its date
has passed.

The  following gives  an  example of  a  calendar file.   As  you can  see,
calendar understands different formats of dates:

        Apr 16 Dave's birthday
        7/6    Dad's birthday
        Sep 26 Mom's birthday
        Jun 30 Barry's birthday
        10/4   Marianne's birthday
        Jul 31 Anniversary!
        Mar 16 Pot luck luncheon

You can run calendar automatically by embedding the command


in your .profile.

If you wish, you can  run calendar automatically for yourself, by inserting
it into  file /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root. In this  case, calendar should
be  used with  its  -a option,  to  force it  to search  each user's  $HOME
directory for .calendar and mail the appointments it finds to that user.

See Also



calendar's notion of tomorrow understands weekends but not holidays.  Thus,
if you invoke calendar on a  Friday, it returns the events for that day and
the  following  Saturday, Sunday,  and  Monday.  If  Monday  is a  holiday,
however, you will not receive appointments for Tuesday.