COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for boottime [File that holds time system was last booted].

List of available manpages

boottime -- System Administration

File that holds time system was last booted

/etc/boottime is an empty file maintained  by the init process and the date
command.  The modification time of boottime, as displayed by the command ls
-l, is  the time that  the system was  last booted.  You can  read the time
shown by boottime with ls -l, or with the system calls stat or fstat.



See Also

Administering COHERENT,


Commands  that depend  upon /etc/boottime may  malfunction if  the system's
date is not set correctly.  For  instance, the mount command depends on the
relative  modification  times  of  /etc/boottime  and /etc/mtab  to  detect
whether the mount table has been invalidated by a system boot.  If the date
is set  sufficiently far into  the past, the  mount table may  appear to be
valid when in fact it is not.