COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for asymkdev [Create nodes for asynchronous devices].

List of available manpages

asymkdev -- Command

Create nodes for asynchronous devices
/conf/asymkdev [-u] [async_file [outfile]]

The command asymkdev reads async_file, questions the user about her system,
and writes  a shell script into  outfile. When run, the  script creates the
proper nodes (up to 256 of them) for the asynchronous devices in /dev.

If  you name  no async_file,  asymkdev /dev/default/async.  If you  name no
outfile, it writes its script into asy_mknod.

asymkdev  asks  about  each  asynchronous  channel  for  which  a  port  is
configured.  It asks  for the basic device name (e.g.,  asy00 or com0), and
then asks  which of  the eight possible  port configurations will  be used.
The options are:

l or r  Local or remote.

i or p  Interrupt-driven or polled.

f or n  RTS-CTS flow control or no hardware flow control.

For  details of  what the  options mean,  see the  Lexicon article  for the
device driver asy.

Suffix letters  ``rlipnf'' respectively indicate  remote, local, interrupt,
polled,  no-flow,  and flow-control  configurations,  as  explained in  the
Lexicon article for asy.

For each  question, type the value that applies  or press <Enter>, to
select  the  default  displayed  in  brackets.   The option  -u  suppresses

See Also



Only the superuser root can run this command.