COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for asfix [Convert assembly-language programs into 80386 format].

List of available manpages

asfix -- Command

Convert assembly-language programs into 80386 format
asfix < oldfile > newfile

The command  asfix converts programs  written in the  COHERENT-286 assembly
language into a  form that can be assembled by  the COHERENT 386 edition of
as, the COHERENT assembler.

asfix  reads the  standard input  and  writes to  the standard  output.  It
changes DEC-form  local symbols to the form  recognized by COHERENT-386 as,
changes character constants  from the form 'x to the  form 'x', and changes
local symbols from the COHERENT-286 form to the COHERENT-386 form.

See Also
