COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ar.h [Format for archive files].

List of available manpages

ar.h -- Header File

Format for archive files
#include <ar.h>

An archive is a file that  has been built from a number of files.  Archives
are  maintained by  the command  ar. Usually,  an archive  is a  library of
object files used by the linker ld.

The header  ar.h describes  the format of  an archive.  All  archives start
with a  magic number ARMAG, which  identifies the file as  an archive.  The
members  of the  archive  follow the  magic  number, each  preceded by  the
structure ar_hdr:

#define DIRSIZ  14
#define ARMAG   0177535          /* magic number */

struct ar_hdr {
        char    ar_name[DIRSIZ]; /* member name */
        time_t  ar_date;         /* time inserted */
        short   ar_gid;          /* group owner */
        short   ar_uid;          /* user owner */
        short   ar_mode;         /* file mode */
        size_t  ar_size;         /* file size */

The structure at the head of each member is immediately followed by ar_size
bytes, which are the data of the file.

To  enhance the  performance of  ld, the command  ranlib provides  a random
library facility.   ranlib produces archives  that contain a  special entry
named __.SYMDEF at the beginning.

All  integer  members of  the  structure (everything  but  ar_name) are  in
canonical form to ease portability.  See canon.h for more information.

See Also

header files,